Tax agent services
Value Added Tax Registration Services United Arab Emirates Value Added Tax in the United Arab Emirates The decision of the government of the United Arab Emirates issued Federal Law No. 7 of 2017 regarding tax procedures. The Ministry of Finance in the Emirates said that it will begin imposing the Emirates Value Added Tax starting from January 2018, and that registration will open as of the first in accordance with what is stated in the aforementioned law and its executive regulations issued pursuant to Cabinet Resolution No. 36 of 2017. Registration for the tax UAE value added is mandatory for every taxpayer, and the mandatory tax registration limit is for supplies to reach 375 thousand dirhams in twelve months. for the past or is expected to reach that number within the next 30 days. Register your company in a few easy steps! The imminent implementation of VAT in the UAE on January 1, 2018 is to prepare people for it. The system welcomes this tax in the UAE while ensuring that there is a Farahat & Partners office guiding you every step of the way. The implementation of value-added tax in the United Arab Emirates began on January 1, 2018, and the rate is. The basic value added tax is percent and included some goods and services in the UAE, however, it may differ in some cases. There are some goods and services that are not subject to the application of this tax, such as the health sector, education sector, local transportation, etc. It is never a simple task to cling to the Dubai VAT idea at once. This is why we offer a free assessment in case you need any assistance with VAT registration and calculation in the UAE. We, Redwan Allam Chartered Accountants, are one of the major VAT experts in the UAE today; Later, we extend our hand to help you with all the issues you may face regarding VAT