Consulting reporting services of all kinds

Radwan Allam Chartered Accountants Office is one of the auditing and auditing companies in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The office has more than 10 years of experience in the field of accounting services, accounts, taxes, value-added tax, excise tax, and examining financial fraud crimes in their various methods. Including financial fraud, crimes of trespassing on funds, as well as accounting fraud, and theft of fixed and movable funds. The office of Radwan Allam Certified Public Accountants is one of the accounting consulting offices before the judiciary and all judicial authorities. We work with lawyers and legal advisors and provide them with all the technical support they need Supports their clients in various lawsuits. What is forensic accounting and fraud examination? Forensic accounting can be defined as the specialized practice in the field of accounting, which includes providing accounting investigation services and judicial support to judicial departments, government units, and companies, to assist them in issuing their rulings and detecting economic crimes with accounting dimensions. This is done through a system of expertise and knowledge in the field of law, auditing and accounting. Forensic accounting is used in cases of embezzlement and financial and accounting fraud with the aim of clarifying the details of financial crimes. Forensic accounting services are provided by experts specialized in The field of financial accounting, where the work of the forensic accountant is based on preparing financial aids to support the evidence presented before the courts or various judicial authorities. Fraud examination is defined as the investigation of accounting and financial fraud operations, represented by deceiving an entity or person through accounting documents and records, or by modern techniques. Fraud screening helps companies deal with risks as they conduct their business, by constantly monitoring, discovering evidence, verifying information, and investigating any irregular financial activities. Fraud may not be apparent at all times, regardless of whether your financial data is handled properly. correct. Protecting the company’s financial interests and assets is one of the inevitable measures that any businessman should take. You can contact us at Farahat & Partners office, in order to conduct forensic examination, accounting fraud examination, or forensic audit services at any time, but it is also better to have practices that prevent fraud. preventive measures should be put in place and prompt action should be taken against fraudulent activities when they occur. In general, financial examinations are about identifying and eliminating or discouraging fraudulent schemes that may be occurring within an organization that may or may not be known by others. There are many investigations that we can do for you; This is if you have concerns about fraud in your company or if you have already discovered it yourself

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